* = equal contribution; + = student mentee
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Foushee R, Wehry J, Horton G, Srinivasan M. Day-to-day affect dynamics among caregivers of young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: a within-person approach. [preprint]
Nishio, M, Ellwood-Lowe ME, Woodburn M, McDermott CL, Park AT, Tooley UA, Boroshok AL, Grandjean J, Mackey AP. The Hurst exponent as a marker of inhibition in the developing brain. [preprint]
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Ziv MS, Nishio M, Tisdall MD, Alexander-Bloch AF, Zhou Y, Zuniga C, Mackey AP. A causal test of environmental effects on the pace of brain development: A Stage 1 Registered Report. [preprint]
Pacheco S+, Bunge SA, Ellwood-Lowe ME. Beating the Odds: Is Mental Health at Stake for High-Achieving Children in Poverty in the ABCD Study? [preprint]
Journal articles
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Reyes G, DeJoseph ML, Frankenhuis WE (in press). Caring for children in lower-SES contexts: recognizing parents' agency, adaptivity, and resourcefulness. Invited paper for the Special Issue on Caregiving, Daedalus. [preprint]
DeJoseph ML*, Ellwood-Lowe ME*, Miller-Cotto D, Silverman D, Shannon KA, Reyes G, Rakesh D, Frankenhuis WE (2024). The promise and pitfalls of a strengths-based approach to child poverty and neurocognitive development: Implications for policy. Special Issue on Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and Policy, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 101375. [preprint]
Vasil N, Srinivasan M, Ellwood-Lowe ME, Delaney S, Gopnik A, Lombrozo T (2024). Structural explanations promote resource allocations that compensate for inequality. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 242, 105896. [preprint] [data and code]
Baharloo R, Vasil N, Ellwood-Lowe ME, Srinivasan M (2023). Children’s Use of Pragmatic Inference to Learn About the Social World. Developmental Science. [preprint] [data and code]
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Irving C, Bunge SA (2022). Exploring neural correlates of behavioral and academic resilience among children in poverty. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. [preprint] [code] [pre-registration 1, 2]
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Foushee R, Srinivasan M (2022). What causes the word gap? Financial concerns may systematically suppress child-directed speech. Developmental Science 25(1):e13151. [preprint] [data and code] [raw videos and transcripts] [pre-registration 1, 2]
Selected media coverage: [UC Berkeley Press Release] [reddit] [DailyCal] [ConsumerAffairs] [Moms] [Gizmodo Brasil] [Washington Post] [The Attitude with Arnie Arneson] [Parents Magazine] [Yahoo!] [British Psychological Society]
Public comment: Flournoy JC (2021). A comment on Ellwood-Lowe et al. (2020/2021): Presentation and discussion of results should take the lead from the preregistration. PsyArXiv.
Public response: Ellwood-Lowe ME, Foushee R, & Srinivasan M (2021). Response to Flournoy (2021): Reflections on the benefits and challenges of communicating the results of a pre-registered study. PsyArXiv.
Named one of the 2022 Top Downloaded Articles at Wiley Publishing
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Whitfield-Gabrieli S, Bunge SA (2021). Brain network coupling associated with cognitive performance varies as a function of a child’s environment in the ABCD study. Nature Communications 12(7183). https://10.1038/s41467-021-27336-y [preprint] [code] [pre-registration 1, 2]
Selected media coverage: [UC Berkeley Press Release] [reddit]
Named one of the 2021 Top 25 Social Sciences and Human Behaviour Articles at Nature Communications
O’Donnell M, Dev AS, Antonoplis S, Baum SM, Benedetti AH, Brown ND, Carrillo B, Choi A, Connor P, Donnelly K, Ellwood-Lowe ME, Foushee R, Jansen R, Jarvis SN, Lundell-Creagh R, Ocampo JM, Okafor GN, Rahmani Azad Z, Rosenblum M, Schatz D, Stein DH, Wang Y, Moore DA, Nelson LD (2021). The psychological consequences of scarcity are less general and less replicable than they seem: An empirical audit and review. PNAS. 118.4 e e2103313118. [data, code, and pre-registration]
Selected media coverage: [Berkeley Haas Newsroom] [The Last Word on Nothing]
Ellwood-Lowe ME (2021). Linking neighborhood resources to children’s brain development: risk, resilience, and open questions. Invited Commentary. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 6.9:848-850.
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Berner C, Dunham Y, Srinivasan M (2020). Indian = Hindu? The Development of Nationalist Attitudes among Hindu and Muslim Children in India. Child Development 91:1375-1394. [preprint] [data and code]
Selected media coverage: [UC Berkeley Press Release] [DailyCal] [Khabar Newsletter]
Fischer AS*, Ellwood-Lowe ME*, Colich NL, Ho TC, Cichocki A, Gotlib IH (2019). Neural Processing of Reward and Loss: Identifying Biomarkers of Resilience to Adolescent Depression in High-Risk Youth. Journal of Affective Disorders 246:902-909.
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Humphreys KH, Ordaz SJ, Camacho MC, Sacchet MD, Gotlib IH (2018). Time-varying effects of income on hippocampal volume trajectories in adolescent girls. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 30:41-50.
Colich NL, Ho TC, Ellwood-Lowe ME, Foland-Ross LC, Sacchet MD, LeMoult J, Gotlib, IH (2017). Like mother like daughter: Putamen activation as a mechanism underlying intergenerational risk for depression. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience nsx073.
Ellwood-Lowe ME, Sacchet MD, Gotlib IH (2016). The application of neuroimaging to social inequity and language disparity: A cautionary examination. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 22:1-8.